会议 & Conferences

康纳斯中心在独特的环境中提供了一个顶级会议中心的灵活性和设施. Able to accommodate a wide range of events, from small meetings to multiday conferences, 我们的员工将与您密切合作,确保每一个细节都超出您的最高期望.

Why the Connors Center?




Estate Room

The Estate Room, located off the main foyer, 为大型会议提供了一个光线充足的空间,配有最新的视听设备.

  • Dimensions: 57' x 31'
  • Capacity: 160 (theater); 90 (school room); 50 (hollow square); 42 (u-shape)
  • 适合: Opening and closing plenary sessions, large sales meetings, academic symposiums, workshops and trainings
  • 设施: Ceiling-mounted projector and screen, 演讲者, wireless handheld and lapel microphones, podium and wireless inter网
Estate Room at the Connors Center

Main Parlor

This magnificent formal parlor features wood paneling, French doors, and a large fireplace and overlooks a garden terrace, which can accommodate post-meeting receptions.

  • Dimensions: 38' x 23.5'
  • Capacity: 70 (theater); 42 (school room); 30 (hollow square); 24 (ushape)
  • 适合: 董事会会议和静修会,销售会议,会议空间,科利奎亚斯
  • 设施: Ceiling-mounted screen and 演讲者, mobile LCD projector, wireless handheld and lapel microphones, podium and wireless inter网
Formal Parlor at the Connors Center

Charles River Meeting Room


查尔斯河会议室提供完全现代化的设施和传统的口音. 多功能空间可以配置以满足广泛的需求.

  • Dimensions: 25' x 53'
  • Capacity: 50 (theater); 40 (hollow square); 36 (u-shape)
  • 适合: meetings and conferences
  • 设施: Ceiling-mounted screen, 演讲者, mobile LCD projector, wireless handheld and lapel microphones, podium and wireless inter网.


Charles River Meeting Room at the Connors Center

Dover Parlor

一件雕刻精美的大披风是这个优雅客厅的焦点.  标准家具包括一架立式钢琴和豪华家具. 较大的接待处可以延伸到露台和室外露台.

  • Dimensions: 25.5' x 19'
  • Capacity: 35 (theater); 18 (hollow square); 12 (ushape)
  • 理想场所:董事会会议和务虚会,分组讨论空间,供应商空间
  • 设施:移动屏幕,扬声器和液晶投影仪,讲台和无线互联网
Dover Parlor at the Connors Center

Garden Terrace Room

这个明亮通风的空间设有高高的天花板和通往广阔场地的大门. With exceptional light and a cheery color palate, 这个房间是一个理想的设置为白天和晚上的活动.

  • Dimensions: 18’ x 28’
  • Capacity: 45 (theater); 16 (hollow square); 14 (ushape)
  • 适合: board meetings, breakout space, vendor space
  • 设施:移动屏幕,扬声器和液晶投影仪,讲台和无线互联网
Garden Terrace Room at the Connors Center



  • Dimensions: 29' x 16'
  • Capacity: 15 (lounge)
  • 适合: board retreats
  • 设施:壁挂式屏幕,有线电视和无线网络
阳光客厅 at the Connors Center

Hospitality Suite

这个现代化的房间为客人提供了一个远离会议的机会&R代表乐趣!  许多客人都利用了套房附带的户外平台, as well as all the complimentary snacks and games on hand. 

  • Dimensions: 25' x 56'
  • Capacity: 50 (reception); 20 (lounge)
  • 适合: breakout space; team-building activities, evening receptions, casual gatherings  
  • 设施:  24 hour complimentary snacks and 饮料, wireless inter网, 有线电视, air hockey and foosball, board games


Hospitality Suite at the Connors Center

Breakout Room(s)


  • Dimensions: Varies
  • Capacity: 5-12
  • 适合: small group breakout sessions
  • 设施: wireless inter网
Reflection Room at the Connors Center



Our spectacular setting is only half the story. 为了保证会议的流畅和专业,我们的工作人员将全程为您提供支持. 康纳斯中心提供广泛的设施和资源,包括:

  • On-site professional event coordinator
  • Wireless inter网
  • Guest Services area with printer
  • Hospitality suite
  • Free parking
  • 外套的房间

Audiovisual equipment

Select meeting rooms have built-in audiovisual systems. 视听和技术费用已包括在租金中. Available equipment includes:

  • LCD projector
  • Projector screen
  • Bose Wave Radio with five-disc CD player
  • 画架
  • Flipchart paper and markers
  • Lectern with microphone


Signature Suites

康纳斯中心提供六间精致的套房. 每个房间提供一个大床,书桌,私人浴室,有线电视,和无线互联网.

Guest Wing Suites

康纳斯中心提供了21个额外的套房与女王或全尺寸的床, private bathrooms, and wireless inter网.

Guest Bedrooms


过夜的客人还可以使用我们的酒店套房, equipped with snacks, 饮料, a flat-screen TV, air hockey and foosball tables, other games, 一架钢琴, 书, and magazines. In addition, guests may use our fitness room.

我们的活动协调人可以提供更多住宿选择和价格方面的信息. 所有的住宿费用都要缴纳马萨诸塞州住宿税.

Bedroom at the Connors Center




Our menus are custom created to meet your individual needs. In addition to traditional selections, 我们有适应各种特殊饮食和食物过敏需求的经验.


Team Building

(888) 398-8326

American Outback Adventures and 事件
(800) 713-7238

Facility Rental

As meeting sizes and requests are highly variable, 所有会议设施的价格均根据场地使用情况和客人人数确定.




If the reservation is cancelled, 赞助商将负责合同中规定的取消费用.




Since all menus are specifically created for each event, catering costs will vary depending upon menu selections. 所有的餐饮费用将加上20%的行政费用. 这笔费用用于补充中心的运营, including setup, 分解, and cleaning costs. 行政费用不是小费、小费或服务费.


因为所有的酒水菜单都是为每个活动量身定做的, costs will vary depending on selections and 服务s. The Connors Center provides all alcohol 服务s.  本中心在任何情况下都不允许携带酒精,并保留限制和控制酒精供应数量的权利.



所需的任何额外服务将直接向客户收费.  These may include state and local taxes, nonstandard A/V equipment, damage fees, police 服务s, valet parking, 涂层检查, 服务, 等.