太阳城网赌平台 incorporates a global dimension into a wide breadth of programs and courses

国际izing learning is a core dimension of 太阳城网赌平台's global engagement. 具有国际内容的课程拓宽了我们对复杂的全球问题的理解,并为我们在日益相互联系的世界中的生活和工作做好准备. 国际课程也塑造了我们的校园文化,并促进了与来自国外的个人和社区有意义和丰富的接触.

Courses with international content are offered in all eight 学校 and colleges, most prominently in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences’ 国际 Studies Program. 此外, units such as the Division of Mission and Ministry offer retreats, 朝圣, and immersion experiences for students, 教师, and staff to enable reflection and transformation of the mind, 心, 和精神.


Undergraduate 项目

African and African Diaspora Studies

AADS's mission is to introduce histories, 文化, and experiences of African descended peoples to the widest range of students; to support serious academic research on Africa and the African Diaspora; to give African descended students and their peers opportunities to examine the depth and breadth of African legacies on this continent and in all parts of our world; to link local Black communities more closely with BC.


亚洲的巨大多样性和快速转型使其成为令人兴奋的全球变革引擎, and indeed indispensable, to explore from multiple perspectives. A range of course work and events help students develop historical knowledge, 文化素养, 政治敏锐度, and a willingness to cross borders to actively engage Asia as a world region.

Asian American Studies

亚裔美国人太阳城官网项目支持强调亚裔美国人复杂经历的课程和项目. 在课程, 学生将学习围绕理解这一快速发展的关键工作, 复杂的, and important population.


德国的太阳城官网 is a small student-focused department in the College of Arts and Sciences, providing courses in German language, 文化, 业务, and 历史 from the Middle Ages to the present. 除了, 该部门提供与讲德语的欧洲接触的机会,以及在奥地利和德国留学的机会,以及毕业后在德国任教的可能性.

全球 Public Health

全球公共卫生项目是一个跨学科的本科项目,通过太阳城网赌平台教育学院之间的合作提供, 护理, 及社会工作.

国际 Studies

国际太阳城官网计划为对艺术和科学学科的国际方面感兴趣的学生提供跨学科的课程. Both a major and minor are available to qualified students. Course offerings are drawn from nearly all Arts and Sciences academic departments.


太阳城网赌平台的爱尔兰太阳城官网项目始于1978年,是爱尔兰太阳城官网的主要国际中心之一. 太阳城网赌平台为爱尔兰太阳城官网专业的本科生和太阳城官网生提供学术课程. 爱尔兰太阳城官网项目还举办讲座和会议,向太阳城网赌平台社区和公众开放.

Islamic Civilization and Societies

伊斯兰文明与社会课程是一个跨学科课程,面向对伊斯兰世界的广度和深度感兴趣的本科生, a vast region stretching halfway around the globe from Western Africa to the Pacific Islands.


Enrich your understanding of Jewish civilization, 历史, and religion from biblical to modern times from an interdisciplinary perspective, 利用这个独特的机会来审视你自己的宗教传统和文化遗产.

Latin American Studies

拉丁美洲太阳城官网项目挑战学生在探索这种文化动态的同时跨越学科边界, 充满活力的, and critically important region of the world. 来自许多学术领域的教师共同努力:非洲和非洲侨民太阳城官网, 沟通, 经济学, 教育, 电影太阳城官网, 美术, 历史, 法律, 政治科学, Romance Languages and Literatures, 社会学, 社会工作, 和神学. 学生 in the minor also come from various backgrounds.

Romance Languages and Literatures

Romance Languages and Literatures offers courses in French, 意大利, 和西班牙语, as well as their corresponding literatures and 文化, at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Courses range from elementary language to advanced seminars. The major offers solid preparation for students interested in 教学 or in graduate studies, as well as in fields such as law, 医学, 解释, and international 业务.

斯拉夫 & Eastern Languages and Literatures

The Department of 斯拉夫 & 东方语言文学通过四个重叠的组成部分提供太阳城官网生和本科水平的课程: 语言学 Russian and 斯拉夫 Studies 东亚太阳城官网 近东太阳城官网


全球 Practice Concentration

太阳城网赌平台社会工作学院是全球社会工作从业者教育的领导者. The 全球 Practice concentration will prepare you, in both Clinical and Macro Practices, to work effectively in cross-cultural settings, to address global social issues, and to work toward the improved well-being of individuals, 家庭, and communities around the globe.

人权 & 国际 Justice Certificate Program

该证书课程面向所有大学太阳城官网生院附属院系的太阳城官网生开放, 包括硕士, J.D., L.L.M., Ed.D. 和Ph值.D学生.

国际 & 比较法

法律和法律实践的加速全球化对法学教育提出了新的重要要求. 在BC法律, we understand that globalization magnifies the scope and 复杂的ity of law and legal 实践.  Our 全球 法律 Program trains students for the needs of today, while giving them skills and perspectives that anticipate the needs of tomorrow.


Master's in 国际 Higher 教育

国际高等教育硕士课程概述了影响这一快速发展领域的主要趋势和问题,并提供了理解和分析政策的技能, 实践, 和理论.

太阳城网赌平台's Presence in Ireland

太阳城网赌平台 Ireland

爱尔兰太阳城网赌平台太阳城网赌平台的学生、校友、教师和朋友提供服务. 它支持在爱尔兰留学的学生,同时提供暑期学习和实习机会.

全球 Leadership Institute

通过其在爱尔兰的工作以及太阳城网赌平台在爱尔兰裔美国人经历中的深厚根基, the 全球 Leadership Institute has fostered a network of over 1,400名校友, who are invaluable resources as guest speakers, 主持人, and 业务 partners in the GLI’s professional programs in Dublin.

全球, Local: Leadership and service among Hispanic communities

太阳城网赌平台独特的形成文化是大学教育方法的基础和活力, particularly its goals to integrate intellectual excellence, religious commitment, and service to wider society." (太阳城网赌平台’s Strategic Plan, 永远追求卓越, II)

应对服务美国西班牙裔社区的挑战和机遇, 太阳城网赌平台 trains students and professionals for leadership, 教学, and service in the Greater Boston area and beyond through unique programs and initiatives.


太阳城官网生课程 in Hispanic Theology and Ministry

神学和事工学院提供西班牙神学和事工太阳城官网生课程,培养牧师领袖, 学者, and other professionals to serve in parishes, 学校, 大学校园, healthcare and social service organizations, 其他设置, affirming the best of the US Hispanic and Latin American experiences. 了解更多


Bilingual education thrives at the Lynch School of 教育 and Human Development, 在波士顿的公立学校和天主教学校里,教师们与小学老师和领导们一起领导他们的工作, 并确保每个教师教育学生在毕业前获得一些教授英语学习者的经验. 了解更多

Latinx Leadership Initiative

社会工作学院的拉丁裔领导倡议将拉丁裔人口的文化资产置于社会工作实践和学术太阳城官网的中心. Since its foundation, 它已经形成了五个双语/双文化硕士生和五个博士候选人的领导和服务西班牙裔社区. 了解更多

Graduate and Undergraduate 项目 in Spanish

伍兹高等教育学院目前正在为一群拉丁美洲的宗教妇女实施西班牙语的太阳城官网生和本科生课程,这些妇女准备在她们的社区中担任领导角色. Some are working toward an M.S. in Applied Leadership Studies, a custom degree program taught in Spanish. 了解更多