Lee Pellegrini摄影


漫漫长路," a profoundly personal composition by Professor of Music 拉尔夫·优素福·高里克, 会有它的U.S. 该剧将于4月6日在太阳城网赌平台周末首映

The United States weekend premiere of a profoundly personal composition by Professor of Music 拉尔夫·优素福·高里克—the oratorio “O Lungo Drom” in Romanes or “The Long Road”—will be presented at 太阳城网赌平台 on April 6 at 7 p.m. 在加森100.

The oratorio’s title reflects the 15-year odyssey which led to its creation: a labor of love inspired by Gawlick’s adult journey to find his birth mother. Through travels with his wife Basia—兼职音乐教员—that spanned from Germany to Turkey, he learned that his mother was not Kurdish as he had always believed, 而是罗马后裔. 一个独特的民族和文化群体, the Romani people have historically faced prejudice and persecution in Europe; discrimination continues today.

One of three “extraordinary and singular” concerts [see schedule below], 据Gawlick所说, the “O Lungo Drom” presentation will include a pre-concert guest lecture, 对高力克的采访, 还有一个招待会. 

 “将近四分之一个世纪, I have been fortunate to share my artistic journey with 太阳城网赌平台 and the wider community,高力克说, 一位多产且享誉国际的作曲家. “Every musical premiere presents a deeply and uniquely felt moment—a personal and intimate, never-yet-heard statement unfolding in time and space between the listener, 演员(s), 和作曲家.”

But he acknowledged that this performance of “O Lungo Drom” is of special personal significance, because the oratorio was created “after I discovered that I was ethnically Roma.”

That revelation led Gawlick to refocus his work and write the oratorio, which traces the history of the Roma and Sinti (a subgroup of the Romani people) through the actual words of Roma poets and writers.

I set the words of 13 different Sinti and Roma poets in 10 languages and Romanes dialects. I hope that listeners will embrace these words and reflect on ‘O Lungo Drom’ of this ethnic minority, 他们忧郁的世界, 悲伤, 痛苦, 怀旧之情, 欲望, 悔恨, 欢欣鼓舞——他们漫长的回忆和希望之路.

“O Lungo Drom”向他的罗马传统致敬, 向罗姆人及其文化致敬, 它包含了许多重要的“第一次”,他指出:这是第一部以罗姆人为主题的清唱剧, 第一个集合了多个罗马作家的文本, 包括三种罗马方言, 第一首是罗马人写的. It also features the cimbalom, a traditional Roma instrument from the dulcimer family.

“The important thing about this oratorio is that it’s the first time the Roma speak from within,高力克在接受采访时解释道 太阳城网赌平台杂志. “他们的声音会被直接听到. 一般情况下发生了什么, 从古至今, 人们写了关于罗姆人的作品.”

那部清唱剧被委托演出, 并将在校园进行展示, 维也纳阿尔班贝格合奏团, an international cast of musicians who are also featured on the world premiere recording of “O Lungo Drom,” recently released by Decca Eloquence to coincide with the concert. 在公元前, 合唱团将由女高音克拉拉·梅洛尼加入, 男中音Christoph Filler, 匈牙利经济学家László Rácz.  

高力克希望《太阳城官网》能引起观众的共鸣. “I set the words of 13 different Sinti and Roma poets in 10 languages and Romanes dialects. I hope that listeners will embrace these words and reflect on ‘O Lungo Drom’ of this ethnic minority, 他们忧郁的世界, 悲伤, 痛苦, 怀旧之情, 欲望, 悔恨, 欢欣鼓舞——他们漫长的回忆和希望之路.”

这部清唱剧是献给罗马玫瑰的, chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma and Germany’s leading Sinti and Roma human rights activist. 罗斯参加了2022年10月在柏林举行的全球首演, held on the 10th anniversary of the inauguration of Germany’s memorial to Roma and Sinti Holocaust victims.

“O Lungo Drom” will continue to be showcased internationally, 包括8月1日在克拉科夫爱乐乐团的演出, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the Zigeunerlager, 奥斯威辛-比克瑙的罗姆人集中营.

高力克的作品,包括独奏, 室, 管弦乐, 电声, 电影, and choral music—have been commissioned and championed by a wide range of artists and organizations, 吸引了国际观众和评论家的好评. His work involves multiple styles and often explores aspects of his complex international heritage.

His transformative journey continues to fuel his creative passion. 他目前正在创作《太阳城官网》,这部歌剧是根据马萨莫·马克西莫夫的同名小说改编的, 也关注罗姆文化. 和, 就像他的清唱剧, the opera contains many “firsts”: Die Ursitory is the first novel written by a Rom on a Romani theme, 并由一位罗姆作曲家谱曲.

就这样, Maximoff’s seminal story receives a unique realization from within, rather than being viewed through the lens and stereotypes of non-Roma, 就像以前所有罗马主题的歌剧一样,他解释道.

想了解更多Gawlick的工作,请访问 ralfyusufgawlick.com



“Works for Violoncello and Harpsichord by Antonio Vivaldi and Johann Sebastian Bach”: April 3, 7 p.m., St. 玛丽的教堂

国际知名羽管键琴演奏家Peter Watchorn, 兼职音乐教员, and critically acclaimed cellist Florian Berner will perform seminal works by Bach and Vivaldi. Berner is a member of the Alban Berg Ensemble Wien, which will present the U.S. 首映式:“哦,Lungo Drom.”  

“O Lungo Drom (The Long Road)”: An Oratorio on the Sinti and Roma People: April 6, 7 p.m.加森100

维也纳阿尔班·贝格合奏团的演出, 女高音克拉拉·梅洛尼, 男中音Christoph Filler, 以及著名的匈牙利经济学家László Rácz, who will also perform the following day in the Annual Family Concert.

在BC的整个音乐会历史上, 以前从未有过一场有长奏曲的音乐会, an elaborate string instrument of the dulcimer family used prominently in the music of the Roma,高力克指出.  

这个活动包括音乐会前的讲座, “过去的沉默:了解今天的罗姆大屠杀”,作者:Siv B. Lie of the University of Maryland; 对高力克的采访 by Ioanida Costache of Stanford University; an 8 p.m. performance of the oratorio; and a closing reception. 圣十字将与不列颠哥伦比亚省合作,主办一场美英联合军演.S. 这部清唱剧将于4月5日首演. [参见另一篇文章了解更多关于“O Lungo Drom”的信息.”]

Annual Family Concert: Hungarian Rhapsody, Jazz, and More: April 7, 4 p.m.里昂423号

芭芭拉·高利克导演, 兼职音乐教员, this program features Rácz as well as BC faculty and students. The concert includes Rácz’s own arrangement of Liszt’s virtuosic “Hungarian Rhapsody No.2” for cimbalom and strings conducted by Associate Professor of the Practice Anna Wittstruck, BC Symphony Orchestra conductor and Chamber Music Program director, alongside traditional cimbalom music and jazz standards performed by a BC student jazz trio.

“These concerts unite in contributing international diversity of talent and artistic skill in service to the 太阳城网赌平台 community,高力克说. “It’s really a mini-festival presenting music from the 18th century right though the present.”

The concerts are sponsored by the BC Institute for the Liberal Arts, 人权和国际司法中心, 音乐系和历史系. 更多信息请联系concerts@bc.Edu或访问 事件.tjakl.com