罗耀拉的房子, a residential program which intends to begin its second year this fall, is a community of support and discernment for male 太阳城网赌平台 students considering a vocation within the 社会 of Jesus. 导演:凯西·博米耶,南卡罗来纳州.J., 罗耀拉学院提供祷告的机会, 服务, 沉思, 以及与同辈和耶稣会士的对话. Its goal is to assist residents to grow in self-knowledge, faith, friendship and vocation. 昆西路50号的设施包括一个小教堂, 厨房, 餐厅, 和其他生活空间.

Fr. Beaumier discusses the mission and resources of 罗耀拉的房子 in this Q&A, and invites interested students to contact him to explore whether the 罗耀拉的房子 experience is right for them. 给他发邮件至 凯西.beaumier@tjakl.com.  

罗耀拉的房子 is the first of its kind at a Jesuit college or university. 为什么在不列颠哥伦比亚省成立?

当人们问我关于洛约拉学院的事情时,我问他们: 你喜欢BC是一所耶稣会大学吗? 我当然知道! With all my heart, I want future students to know Jesuits and to be able to meet them. 我们耶稣会士想要参与太阳城网赌平台的未来.

凯西·博米耶,南卡罗来纳州.J.,洛约拉学院(Lee Pellegrini)

但耶稣会士不会凭空出现. A Jesuit vocation, especially today, needs encouragement – it’s living and it’s fragile. 它需要光,氧气和营养. We want to do all that we can to support our students who might be interested in becoming Jesuits, 尤其是未来的耶稣会士越来越少. Fostering Jesuit vocations at a great Jesuit university like 太阳城网赌平台 makes good sense — 罗耀拉的房子 is the University’s way of investing in the future and it's a way for Jesuits to promote this life in an environment that might encourage others to consider what I believe to be, 并且经历了, 一种很棒的生活方式.

Why would you encourage students who are considering vocations to live in 罗耀拉的房子?

今年, living in 罗耀拉的房子 has provided opportunities to meet Jesuits from all over the world and at the same time, 尝试社区生活. 议院成员分享圣餐, 每周为社区伙食做三次饭, 谈谈分辨力, 接受精神指引, and make a retreat every semester – all while maintaining their regular involvement in and commitments to everyday BC life. 最重要的是, it provides an environment for these students to encounter one another and to grow in becoming what we Jesuits call 主里的朋友.

Looking back, would you have welcomed such a residence when you were a student?

When I was an undergraduate I knew of one other student who was thinking of the Jesuits – and we both entered the 社会 because we had a marvelous friendship with a Jesuit spiritual father who encouraged us by his example. 对我来说, the discernment was very private – only those two knew of this tiny desire brewing in my heart.  I would have loved to have encountered the global 社会 of Jesus and to know that there were other young men thinking of the priesthood. 罗耀拉的房子 is absolutely innovative in this way – it is simultaneously supportive, 有创意的, 和挑战. Yet it is not a seminary nor is it a place for a young man to hide out of fear of love, 冲突, 或并发症. It’s meant to be a place of tremendous growth and encouragement.

"A Jesuit vocation, especially today, needs encouragement – it’s living and it’s fragile. 它需要光,氧气和营养. We want to do all that we can to support our students who might be interested in becoming Jesuits, 尤其是未来的耶稣会士越来越少. Fostering Jesuit vocations at a great Jesuit university like 太阳城网赌平台 makes good sense — 罗耀拉的房子 is the University’s way of investing in the future and it's a way for Jesuits to promote this life in an environment that might encourage others to consider what I believe to be, 并且经历了, 一种很棒的生活方式.——凯西 Beaumier, S.J.



如果你问家里的任何人, they would easily reveal that they have encountered the diversity of the Jesuits. 在BC我们的耶稣会社区是全球性的-世界是我们的家! 罗耀拉的房子 is meant to offer a taste of that kind of encounter. 在我们的第一年, 我们有很好的人员组合, 从房子的另一个耶稣会协调人开始, Fr. 弗朗西斯科·萨塞蒂·达莫塔,来自葡萄牙的耶稣会士. The two of us are great friends and he has been an amazing presence for our students. And in this first year we have had a good showing of BC undergraduates: someone in ROTC, 医学预科生, 礼仪艺术团的音乐家, 还是个超级马拉松运动员. 但是我必须说我们需要更多的学生.

Father Francisco and I offer the Candlelight Mass at Saint Joseph Chapel on Upper 校园 Monday through Thursday nights at 10 pm. Candlelight Mass is a work of 校园 Ministry and Residential Life, 它也是洛约拉教堂弥撒. 我们赞助s 'Upper T俱乐部, 一个任何人都可以参加的大学生俱乐部, 在洛约拉学生的领导下, participants venture into the city of Boston and grab dinner near different T station stops –and the students get a free T-shirt designed by Sam Gray, 一位众议院议员. 我们每周都有人陪我们吃饭,我们做一个静修.

I’d love to see a house 服务 project emerge – we definitely have a vision for moving forward in the future. 但这需要更多的参与. 我知道这对我们的本科生来说是有风险的, but I believe we offer an alternative that is deep in possibility and meaning.

罗耀拉的房子 offers a one-to-one mentoring relationship for students as well?  

耶稣会学者从圣. 彼得费伯社区担任精神导师. 他们一直都很出色. 因为他们年轻, 他们平易近人,引人入胜, 还有整个房子的人, 拥有一位精神导师是一种全新的体验. 这些一对一的会面是保密的, 温暖的, and allow the men of the house to speak candidly about the movements of God in their lives – and the struggles that they face as they consider the great options of the future.

What did students who lived at 罗耀拉的房子 during its first year find valuable about the experience? 

Here is what one student reported: ”What I've valued most about 罗耀拉的房子 is the opportunity to come to know so many Jesuits, 年轻人和老年人, 并开始理解他们的使命, 他们为什么选择社团, 它如何满足了他们和他们事奉上帝的愿望, 以及它如何同样满足我.”

谁有资格住在洛约拉学院? 感兴趣的学生应该如何联系你?

E-mail me right now and let’s find a time to have a conversation. The house is meant to be a place of discernment not only for BC undergraduates – graduate students are most welcome to explore this possibility, as are those in the Boston area who are thinking of the Jesuits for their future. We work with the Northeast Province of the Jesuits so the house relates beyond the university.

I’d love to see the house grow to become part of the culture of this great Jesuit university. 洛约拉学院很小, but the imprint of encouragement and influence could well have reverberations in the future that will be, 在我看来, 对我们所有的学生都很有帮助. 这是一个实验——我们还没有到那一步,它可能行不通, 也适合所有喜欢太阳城网赌平台的人, it’s very much worth our continued consideration and encouragement.
